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Rare Cancers Australia

CanForum20: Vision 20-30

Australia’s health system is among the best in the world. While the overall picture of cancer in Australia currently points to extended survival, these improvements are not shared amongst all cancer types and will not ensue without evolving some fundamental aspects of our health system.

The rapid pace of change brought about by emerging therapeutics and technology is challenging our previously well-equipped system.

Over 550,000 Australians will die from cancer between now and 2030 if nothing changes. However, if we plan and do the work now to maximise new science and emerging technologies, we will save lives.

With input from more than 40 Australian experts and consultation with over 500 members of the cancer community, the NOA Vision 20-30 report casts a national direction for how cancer care will evolve over the next ten years for all cancer patients - regardless of cancer type, patient geography or financial situation. NOA Vision 20-30 calls on the need for an Australian Cancer Futures Framework which puts patients at the centre of cancer care and paves the way for the provision of the latest technological advances for all cancer patients regardless of cancer type, geography or financial situation - ultimately increasing survival.

Download NOA VISION 20-30 Report

CanForum Mini Series

Welcome to the 2020 CanForum Mini Series. This playlist contains 3 very special programs on Australians and cancer. 

Episode 1: Emerging Therapies

What are Emerging Therapies? And why are they important? How are they transforming the way cancer is treated? Are Australians getting access to the latest treatments in a timely manner? Welcome to the first of a three-part series part of our 2020 CanForum. #changingcancercare

Episode 2: Cancer, AI and Big Data

Understanding the way cancer behaves and the way treatments impact disease is pivotal to improving things for patients. How can we collect and understand the data more efficiently and harness technology to make sense of it all? #changingcancercare

Episode 3: Patient-Centred Care

There is broad consensus that patient centered care is the gold standard and a priority in cancer care delivery. But what is reality and where are the opportunities to do better? #changingcancercare

2020 CanForum

The NOA Vision 20-30 Report was launched at this year's Rare Cancers Australia CanForum. Watch the CanForum in full or watch each segment individually below:

About the National Oncology Alliance (NOA)

NOA is an unincorporated not-for-profit alliance of cancer stakeholders founded by Rare Cancers Australia (RCA). NOA brings together the best experts across the entire cancer community with a collective aim to shape policy that ensures all Australians living with cancer get access to the best technology and treatments to extend their survival and improve their quality of life.

For more information: Click Here
