Dialog Box

Rare Cancers Australia

Contact your local MP

Rare Cancers Australia advocates for the rights of rare and less common (RLC) cancer patients at every possible opportunity. Our approach has always been to work with all stakeholders to highlight the issues and challenges in a considered way and put solutions forward.

We believe one of the best ways to get your voice heard by government is to let your local MP know what issues are facing people in their own electorate. As your representative, it is their job to listen. By working together, we can make a difference.

The needs of RLC cancer patients have been ignored for many years despite the enormous need. There are 52,000 patients diagnosed with an RLC cancer in Australia every year, and every year over 25,000 Australians lose their lives. This number makes up 50% of cancer deaths in Australia, hugely impacts families and our local communities, and is greatly disproportionate to outcomes for more common cancers.

What to say

Please contact your local Federal Member of Parliament and tell them why you believe they need to do more for rare cancer patients. You should say:

  1. Who you are and why you care about RLC cancers
  2. It’s time to give RLC cancers the attention, funding and policy they need to significantly improve survival rates and patient outcomes
  3. Australian Governments need to provide funding and change processes to improve outcomes for RLC patients, by implementing solutions set out in Rareification and in the recently reported recommendations from the Senate Inquiry into Equitable access to diagnosis and treatment for individuals with rare and less common cancers, including neuroendocrine cancer.

Download a sample letter

How to contact your local MP

Find your MP

  • Enter your postcode. Hit search. Your local member profile will appear.
  • Click on Contact Information to find the MP email address, if sending by email or postal address if posting.
Keep us updated

Please also send a copy of your email or letter to Sarah Benger, Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Rare Cancers Australia sarah.benger@rarecancers.org.au or PO Box 440 Bowral NSW 2576, so that we can help to advocate for you too.

We would also love to receive a copy of any response you may receive.

Feel free to contact Sarah at any time at the above e-mail address if you have any questions or would like help writing your letter.

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